Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic? - Moda Today

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Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?

If the hands are exposed to the Covid-19 directly, the jewelry could also be. A practical guide to the procedures we have to adopt to clean them properly.
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Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?
Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?

If the hands are exposed to the Covid-19 directly, the jewelry could also be. A practical guide to the procedures we have to adopt to clean them properly.

Can we still wear jewelry outside? Should I wash them once at home? Jewelry, like clothes, raises many questions in the face of a Covid epidemic 19. If the disease spreads by dropping a spray from someone coughing or sneezing, it can also circulate with the help of something. Experts struggle to determine how long the virus stays on the surfaces - we talk from a few hours to several days - indicating that rings and bracelets can become a source of contamination.

What happens when you put your jewelry out?

Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?
Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?

Jewelry can come in contact with the virus and is considered "dirty" if not cleaned properly. “We use our hands and fingers for most of our daily gestures,” which may mean that the particles are above or below the rings, especially if we do not wash them regularly. So we suggest that you take the time to clean your jewelry when washing your hands. But it is also possible to avoid any contamination by taking the example of hospital staff who usually have no wear of jewelry while doing their jobs.

How to clean them?

It suffices to apply the method used to wash hands by taking off your jewelry first to clean it with antibacterial soap for at least 30 seconds, and then rinse it well with water.

Gold is considered one of the most resistant metals, and does not rust and discolour. So there is no risk of damaging your jewelry with this cleaning technique. Silver coins are not afraid of water, especially if they are dried well afterwards. However, more aggressive liquids and soaps can be deformed if washing frequently occurs and if they remain wet for a long time. In addition, the World Health Organization (OMS) notes that cleaning jewelry should not prevent us from washing hands in particular.

Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?
Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?

Can we use aqueous alcohol gel?

To get rid of bacteria, jewelry can also be dipped in an aqueous alcohol solution, made with ethanol or isopropanol, which will directly attack the virus and disappear. If this liquid could be used to clean your jewelry, this solution would unfortunately be more abrasive than soap and water, and thus it would risk destroying less resistant jewelry.

Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?
Why Should You Clean Your Jewelry Correctly During Corona Epidemic?

Should we wash jewelry that is not placed in the hands either?

Necklaces and earrings can be a source of contamination if exposed to spray from an infected person. Therefore it is recommended to clean it regularly.
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