Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired - Moda Today

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Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired

s a Croatian fashion designer launched his "delightful" set of masks Viruses inspired by global horror due to the new Corona virus.
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Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired
Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired

Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired

The crisis of the outbreak of the newly created Corona virus "Covid 19" controls many details of life, and apart from searching for vaccines for treatment and identifying ways to limit the spread of the epidemic, the fashion world was also affected by the crisis, as a Croatian fashion designer launched his "delightful" set of masks Viruses inspired by global horror due to the new Corona virus.

Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired
Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired

A report published by "thejakartapost" says that these distinctive masks don't protect against the infectious disease that's still spreading everywhere the planet , but that didn't distance the buyers from their acquisition,, and for his part, fashion designer Zoran Arajovich, owner of the brand BiteMyStyle, told "France" Press, "The idea of ​​designing his mask was spontaneous. Every morning while drinking coffee, we were commenting on the coronavirus and lacking masks.

The 39-year-old designer added, "I was joking that I would make a cheerful mask, like my fashion creations, and put it on my Instagram, but the Aragovic cotton mask, inspired  like his clothes of Disney figures, Pop Art and comic books, immediately aroused interest altogether over the country.

Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired
Croatian fashion designer launched his set of masks Viruses inspired
The designer said that dozens of masks, which cost about 9 euros (10 dollars), had been sold since production began about two weeks ago and people still wanted them until now, and Arajovich said that he believed that the simplest thanks to combat fear of the virus was to believe Positive items like clothes, and stressed that "these aren't medical masks but delightful fashion accessories."
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