Types of cosmetics you should avoid - Moda Today

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Types of cosmetics you should avoid

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment noted that care and cosmetic products contain substances harmful to health.
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Types of cosmetics you should avoid
Types of cosmetics you should avoid

Types of cosmetics you should avoid

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment noted that care and cosmetic products contain substances harmful to health.

He added that among these harmful substances are paraben and paraffin, which are used as a preservative in care and beauty products, such as shampoo, shower gel, lipstick and creams.

The German Institute pointed out that parabens may cause an imbalance in the body's hormonal system, while suspicions are hovering over paraffin as a carcinogen, according to German news agency DPA.

These substances appear in cosmetic and cosmetic products under the name "methyl paraben", "ethyl paraben", "paraffinum liquid" or "mineral oil".
Types of cosmetics you should avoid
Types of cosmetics you should avoid

To avoid these dangers, the institute recommends choosing care and beauty products that are free from these harmful substances.

Types of cosmetics you should avoid
Types of cosmetics you should avoid

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