for Mums in order to maintain your mental health - Moda Today

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for Mums in order to maintain your mental health

for mums in order to maintain your mental health, and to live happily and satisfied. Here are 3 tips to help you better your self and improve your life.
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for Mums in order to maintain your mental health
for Mums in order to maintain your mental health

Feeling guilty and self-flogging, a ghost chasing mothers, blaming yourself will only increase your frustration, and there are many situations that do not require blaming yourself, or even thinking about it, such as your failure to prepare a meal, or misunderstanding with a close relative, or buying something that does not You need it, so you need self-kindness, in order to maintain your mental health, and to live happily and satisfied. Here are 3 tips to help you better your self and improve your life.

for Mums in order to maintain your mental health
for Mums in order to maintain your mental health

1- Forgive yourself for past mistakes

We are all developing, so we feel sorry for the wrong decisions that we made in the past, even if the previous time was not long ago, and although the perception of error in itself is the first step to survival, but this perception is accompanied by a feeling of resentment, and holding on to resentment of yourself increases your frustration, For this you need to forgive yourself for your past mistakes, while realizing the lesson learned from it, and trying not to repeat it again, this is not easy, but forgiving yourself is part of your acceptance of yourself, and a basis for feeling satisfied and happy.

2- Stop berating yourself, and replace it with encouragement

Setting high standards and cruelty to yourself if you do not achieve the impossible is a crime against yourself. With this pressure, you are wasting your self-confidence, you may think that this pushes you towards achieving your goals, but this method usually has an adverse effect, so stop reprimanding yourself and pressure On it, and strive to encourage and motivate yourself in positive ways in order to achieve your goals, whether these goals are special, such as getting rid of excess weight, or success in work, or if they belong to your family, such as improving the system and conditions of your family members.

3- Celebrate your victories

You may not achieve your goals completely, but you definitely take steps towards these goals. Every step in the path of your goals is a success step that deserves to be celebrated and rewarded for it. This motivates you to exert more effort to achieve more success, in addition to relieving you of feelings Frustration, and gives you a sense of contentment and self-confidence, never diminish the steps of your success no matter how small, celebrate, and reward yourself for it.

Source: Nagham
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